Trudy Huskamp Peterson

Certified Archivist


Temporary Courts, Permanent Records, Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, 2008

Special Report 170, Temporary Courts, Permanent Records, United States Institute of Peace, 2006

Final Acts: A Guide to Preserving Records of Truth Commissions, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005

Co-author, with Gary M. Peterson, Archives and Manuscripts: Law, Society of American Archivists, 1985

Basic Archival Workshop Exercises, Society of American Archivists, 1982

Ed., Farmers, Bureaucrats, and Middlemen: Historical Perspectives on American Agriculture, Howard University Press, 1980

Agricultural Exports, Farm Income, and the Eisenhower Administration, University of Nebraska Press, 1979

News from the ICA Human Rights Working Group,” International Council on Archives website, monthly, 2009-

“Rule-of-Law Tools for Post-Conflict States: Archives,” United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights series (forthcoming)

“Principle 14,” “Principle 15,” and “Principle 17” in Paola Gaeta, Frank Haldemann and Thomas Unger, The United Nations Principles to Combat Impunity:  A Commentary (forthcoming)

“Archives for Justice, Archives of Justice,” in James B. Gardner and Paula Hamilton, eds., The Handbook of Public History, Oxford University Press (forthcoming)

“No Closure without Disclosure,” in Festshrift for Jussi Nuorteva (forthcoming)

“Managing Turbulence,” in Gabriella Ivacs, ed., Managing in an Electronic Records World (forthcoming)

“Rights and Responsibilities:  The Role of the Archivist,” SAP – Yearbook 2014, Stichting Archiefpublicaties, The Netherlands (forthcoming)

“Our Archives and Our Rights,” Government of Girona, Spain (forthcoming)

The Probative Value of Archival Documents,” Swisspeace, 2014

“National Archives and the International Council on Archives:  Converging and Diverging,” Atlanti, 2013

Searching for Support:  Preserving the Records of the Nuclear Claims Tribunal,” Groniek, 2013

Securing Police Archives,” Swisspeace, 2013

Archives Research as Unfinished Business,” Using History to Inform Development Policy, World Bank, 2013

Principles of Access to Archives:  A Status Report,” Flash 22, July 2011

Human Rights, Human Wrongs, and Archives,” III International Seminar on Archives from Andalusia:  Archives and Human Rights, 2011

“El valor probatorio del document de archive en los procesos judiciales,” Tabula:  Estudios archivisticos de Castilla y Leon 14, 2011

Um Projeto Sobre Acesso,” Acervo:  Revista do Arquivo Nacional, Brazil 24/1, 2011

Working Group on Access,” Flash 21, December 2010

Archives against Amnesia,” Politorbis 50, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland, 3/2010

To Have and To Have Not:  Archives as Information, Archives as Symbol,” Proceedings: Archives without Borders, 2010

Book review, “Archives and Justice: A South African Perspective,” Journal of Archival Organizations 6, Nos. 1-2, 2008.

Attitudes and Access in the United States of America,“Society of American Archivists website, 2007

Application of ISAD(G) for Human Rights Archives,” International Council on Archives website, 2005

Archives in Service to the State: The Law of War and Records Seizure” in Margaret Procter, et al, eds., Political Pressure and the Archival Record, Society of American Archivists, 2006; published 2004 in Lligall, the journal of the Catalan Society of Archivists)

Access to Records of Intergovernmental Organizations,” Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars website, 2005

Truth and the Records of Truth Commissions,” Studien und Quellen 30, 2004

“Which Drawer Do You Use?” in Bruce Ambacher, ed., Thirty Years of Electronic Records, Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, 2003

The Nasty Truth about Nationalism and National Archives,” Proceedings of the 5th General Conference of EASTICA, 2001

“Democracy, Culture, and Archives of the European Union,” Riksarkiviet, Sweden, 2001

Macro Archives, Micro States” Archivaria, Fall 2000

“Archival Parasailing,” in Leszek Pudlowski and Ivan Szekely, eds., Open Society Archives, 1999

“Making Money, Spending Money: Multinationals and their Records,” in Francisco Daelemans, ed., Miscellanea in honorem Caroli Kecskemeti, 1998

Access Matters: Four Documents,” National Archives of the United States Website publication, 1998

“The Internet and the Archives,” Atlanti 8, 1998

“Preservation, Access, and the Multinationals,” IASSIST Website publication 1997

“Archives of UNESCO Europe: A Comparative View,” UNESCO World Information Report, 1997

“Putting Records First to Make Them Last,” Choosing to Preserve, European Commission on Preservation and Access, 1997

“Reflections on the Records,” Government Information Quarterly, Winter 1996

“Using the Finding Aids to Archives and Manuscript Collections,” in Charles A. D’Aniello, ed., Teaching Bibliographic Skills in History: A Sourcebook for Historians and Librarians, Greenwood Press, 1993

“Privacy and Freedom of Information,” Janus, Issue 2, 1992

“Reading, ‘Riting, and ‘Rithmetic: Speculations on Change in Research Processes,” American Archivist, Summer 1992

“Dangerous Archives,” Fourteenth Polar Libraries Colloquy, Proceedings, Summer 1992

“Archival Bestiary,” American Archivist, Spring 1991

“Rural Life and the Privacy of Political Association,” Agricultural History, Number 3, 1990

“Federal Records, Privacy, and Public Officials in the United States,” Janus, Issue 2, 1987

“The National Archives and the Archival Theorist Revisited, 1954-1984,” American Archivist, Spring 1986 (winner, Fellows’ Posner Prize, 1987)

“The National Archives: Substance and Shadows, 1965-1980,” in Timothy Walch, ed., Guardian of Heritage: Essays on the History of the National Archives. National Archives, National Archives Trust Fund Board, 1985

Archival Principles and Records of the New Technology,” American Archivist, Fall 1984

“Archives,” in R. Alton Lee, ed., Encyclopedia U.S.A., Academic International Press, 1983

Counting and Accounting: Speculation on Change in Recordkeeping Practices,” American Archivist, Spring 1982

“A Review of Two NARS Networks,” The Midwestern Archivist, Vol. VI, No. 2, 1982

“Documents in Time: The Archives of the United States and the National Archives and Records Service,” Government, Vol. 8A, No. 4, 1981

“Education and Research in Archival Administration,” in Joel Lee, ed., Encyclopedia of Library Science, 1980, reprinted 1986

After Five Years: As Assessment of the Amended U.S. Freedom of Information Act,” American Archivist, Spring 1980; reprinted in Library Lit. 11—The Best of 1980, Scarecrow Press, 1981

“Sales, Surpluses, and the Soviets: A Study in Political Economy,” in Fraenkel, et al, ed., The Role of U.S. Agriculture in Foreign Policy, Praeger, 1979

“Hedge Against Hunger: Food Reserves and the USDA,” in Koerselman and Dull, ed., Food and Social Policy, Iowa State University Press, 1978

“Using the Freedom of Information Act to Acquire Archival Material,” Law Library Journal, Fall 1979

“The Gift and the Deed,” American Archivist, January 1979

“The Iowa Historical Records Survey, 1936-42,” American Archivist, April 1974 (Gondos Award, Society of American Archivists)